Bedazzled (2000)

BEDAZZLED, speaking of the Devil, is an under-powered, sometimes
laugh out loud-able Brendan Fraser-fest starring George of the Jun-
gle as a painfully unhip, super-lonely super-geek offered seven,
count 'em seven wishes by Elizabeth Hurley's "Princess of Darkness."
(Latter complete with embossed calling card.)  For the "measly"
price of one soul, she'll grant the poor schlep anything, including
a shot at his objet d'crush, an attractive co-worker played by MANS-
FIELD PARK babe Frances O'Connor.  (Calm down guys.  Though she doe-
sn't wear a corset, she doesn't show any skin, either.)  Hilarity
occasionally ensues as You Know Who unsuccessfully wishes himself
"rich and powerful" (turned into Colombian drug lord), "a sensitive
guy" (freckle-faced wimp), "athletic" (pro basketball player with
unusual handicap), and so on.  (He doesn't call himself a cab, how-

With each iterative fantasy, Fraser's character's co-workers also 
participate, led by Orlando Jones and lending the film the feel of 
a feature-length "Satur-day Night Live" episode.  'Cept with a lam-
er cast.  Oh, Fraser's great, absolutely great.  (I can't decide 
which of his is the funniest sight-- wearing giant geek glasses at 
the start of the film, smiling widely behind a false, Latin-sculpt-
ed nose, or spitting sand from beneath freckled face cheeks while 
talking back to beach bullies.)  Everyone *else* is only a quarter-
funny.  If that.  Hurley's also miscast, not sorely so, but neither 
smolder-y enough for the role nor possessing the wry weight requir-
ed for *truly* devilish fun.  Simply, she's boring.  

Ol' Harold Ramis (GROUNDHOG DAY) directs and with as much inconsis-
tency as the script-- some screen moments are an absolutely peach, 
others are utterly wasted, like the sixty seconds spent watching a 
black Lamborghini screech through the streets of San Francisco.  
Hello, anybody home behind the camera?  Beware that laugh-less hap-
py ending as well.  If the film possesses a single great strength, 
beyond the remarkable Mr. Fraser, it's its element of surprise.  Be 
prepared for at least a half-dozen side-splitters, most of 'em oc-
curring when Fraser's newest incarnation appears on the screen. 
You cannot not laugh.  Screenplay Larry Gelbart and Harold Ramis 
and Peter Tolan, based Peter Cook's story for the 1967 film of the 
same name. (Rated "PG-13"/90 min.)

Grade: C+  

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Movie Hell is a trademark of Michael J. Legeros

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