legeros.com > Writing > The Big Trip > Day 9 |
The Big TripDay 9 - Columbus to Cambridge, OhioColumbus, Indiana - 8:30 a.m. Finish writing, then lounge for a
bit. Turn on television for first time on trip. Cycle thrice through
channels and settle on a pa-reach-er. Learn that this particular ministry
conducts "evangelical Caribbean cruises." Also learn that
"now is the time." I didn't know that. Switch to Maury Povitch,
but he's not as good as Jerry. Turn television off. Haven't done much of anything
at night, I must confess. Except write. Or stay up late talking to lesbian
desk clerks. And then the hay is hit, me sleeping on one side, my luggage
on the other. (Done laundry twice, too. Washed tank-tops and short-shorts
with hand soap. Hung to dry. Or, to speed process, used hotel hairdryer.)
11:00 a.m. Pay bill; buy breakfast; inhale miniature cinnamon rolls at
Burger King. Plus Diet Coke. Then spend a splendid 90 minutes finding (and
photographing) the city's fire stations. All six of 'em, though
regrettably without Kelly's company. (Had I arrived earlier yesterday--
and during daylight hours-- we were going to play the Tour Guide and the
Route Change - As I'm rapidly running out of allotted miles,
I've decided to saw off the Louisville/Lexington/Charleston leg. Instead,
I'll shoot straight east on I-70, through Ohio and near the bottom of
Pennsylvania. Thus the Triple A visit, for yet another TripTik. Handed a
generic one, pre-made for here to D.C. Also learn that TripTiks-- or at
least those requested in Indiana-- are now computer-created! New
features: auto-highlighted routes, arrows indicating direction of travel,
and cumulating mileage counts. Best of all, the 'Tiks are now spiral-bound
on the side! No more easily-ripped pages! Wohoo! While still at the AAA, I
swipe a street map and use a pink highlighter to create my own Columbus
FireTik. (Washington Street to 25th Street to Central Avenue back to 25th
Street to Flintwood Dr. back to 25th Street to 10th Street to Gladstone to
somewhere out in the country, if you must know.)
Radio Ga-Ga - 1:05 p.m. Take wrong exit onto Interstate. Egad. The guy can't even tell north from south. What an idiot. Local radio show broadcasting from State Fair. Lots of "ag" talk, expectedly. 1:12 p.m. Now traveling in correct direction. Radio says today is first day of school. Does that mean kids are now worth double points? Other talk hosts are busy dissecting Bill Clinton's speech from last night. Sigh. I miss my morning, on-the-way-to-work dose of Don Imus. (For political analysis and shock humor.) 1:20 p.m. Have traveled 3054 miles. My allotment is 3500. Simple subtraction yields 446. Revised remaining mileage is 586. Guess I'll be payin' for some extra miles. (At 25 cents a pop.) 1:30 p.m. Brain feverishly working on tomorrow's schedule, the last day of driving. (Final day. Oy. Wonder if I'll start suffering from postpartum "travel depression." Probably.) By tomorrow morning, hafta finish any writing, drive the final X hundred miles, find the designated meeting point that I'll arrange tonight, have rental reserved by that time, and hopefully have contacted my friend in Maryland, for a ride between points B and C. Better That Wal-Mart - 2:35 p.m. Just spent forty glorious minutes in Meijer, the mega-store of mega-stores. Bigger than a Big K! More super than a Super Wal-Mart! We're talkin' huge, folks. Purchase final supplies: one last (yeah, right) four-pack of film (100 ASA Fuji), "Frank Yankovic's Greatest Hits" on compact disc (22 polka tunes, baby!), this week's issue of "Entertainment Weekly" (yeah, I have a subscription, but a fat lot of good that does me here), and one garish orange tank-top, to wear while celebrating my final day of driving. So why Meijer? Same was recommended as a source for clearance-priced Code 3 Collectibles. (Die-cast fire trucks, 1:64 scale.) Find several current releases, but nothing on sale. And successfully resist urge to purchase Pierce New Orleans "Flying Squad" heavy rescue replica for sentimental reasons. (Went there last summer. Saw that very truck at a construction site accident.) Also buy replacement stick of deodorant after discovering mine missing yesterday. [ Go ahead; take your best "you stink" shot ] And Now, A Word About Men's Antiperspirants - Used to be, men's deodorant was available in two, maybe three choices: "regular," "unscented," and, sometimes, "musk." Seemingly overnight, these traditional choices have been supplemented by a dozen (or more) "hipper" flavors. Er, scents. They have trendy names like "Cool Breeze," "Desert Dry," "Glacier Ice," and so on. (I know, corny.) My question is this: why can't the names more accurately reflect what the smell is really like? Such as "Sweaty Pits," "Used Gym Shorts," "Dirty Socks and Underwear," etc. Heck, I'd even settle for pun-based names. Like "Eau No!," "Whiff Beater," "Common Scents," etc. [ Slight pause for collective groan among readers ] 2:05 p.m. Spot hand-painted sign on dump-truck: "Be a Flirt, Lift Your Top." Well, whatever works. 2:15 p.m. More road construction, though this time traffic's stopped in the opposite direction! So long, suckers! Exit 131. Wilbur Wright Road. That's right, they were from around here, weren't they? Terrain Of Thought - Indy still looks the same as before. Slightly hilly, same variations in green, food 'n' gas every 10 miles, etc. So here I am, driving through middle Indiana, in the middle of August, and listening to polka music. Would not have imagined this a year ago... 3:45 p.m. Think I've passed the "seventy mark" for rolls of film. Guess I'll be categorizing these babies. Scenery, buildings, fire stations, fire trucks, people I know, people I don't know, wacky road signs, and Seattle. Just walk in the opposite direction if you see me approaching with a shoebox under my arm... 4:01 p.m. Leaving gas station in Centerville. Gas, fluids, tacky souvenir check (none), and a call to the car's owner. Friendly-sounding family. Hubby gives directions to house. Planned arrival is 7:00 p.m. tomorrow. I give car; he gives cash. Two-hundred clams. He sounds like a military type, too, using "roger" and "affirmative." Like I do. Guess I'll get either Sharon or a taxi to pick me up. He Can't Help Himself - 4:01 p.m. Ohio! And it looks the same as
Indiana! 4:40 p.m. Another Meijer store! Can't resist. 5:00 p.m. Leave
with keen, red, pocket-sized Huey helicopter found in gift-pack of
otherwise lame emergency vehicles. 5:15 p.m. Heavy traffic through the
Dayton area. And has been heavy, come to think of it, since
Indianapolis. Of course, it's also rush hour. Did I mention Meijer stores
have self check-out machines? Just scan and bag and pay right there! (I
used a credit card and electronically drew a picture of a fire truck in
addition to signing my name.) Mild construction, here and there. Exit 33
to I-75 north. Holy Toledo! Next big town is Columbus. Geez, how many
cities named Columbus or Colombia have I traveled through? Flipping
stations, hear "it's a four-step process that involves intestinal
cleansing." Next! Another advertises a "better-sleep
video." What, you're shown footage of someone sleeping soundly? 5:44
p.m. Cross Mad River. Roll window down and listen. Yup, sounds angry. Look
up and see C-5A Galaxy on approach to nearby Wright-Patterson Air Force
base. Cool. The Air Force Museum is there, too.
Say Good Night, Mike - Getting really hilly, now. Hungry as hell, too. Keep forgetting to eat when I first feel it. And a PayDay ain't gonna cut it now. Want to sit somewhere. Be waited on. Be called "Hon." Thus, choose Cracker Barrel in Zanesville. 9:15 p.m. Bring laptop. Watch clock, while writing and picking at food. (Ham, dumplings, corn muffin, Diet Coke.) Wow, I sure seem to write slowly. 10:15 p.m. Final stretch of the evening. Pass rest stop brimming with parked trucks. Never did sleep in the car. Guess a telephone line was too hard to pass up. 10:27 p.m. "Love Line" on radio. Raunchy, humorous sex-advice show. Used to be heard in Raleigh. 10:45 p.m. Cambridge. That's it for tonight. Haggle at the Day's Inn. Get $39 "Manager's Special." Also discuss the American culture of automobiles. Late phone call to Sharon, arranging arrangements for tomorrow. Here's the plan: we're meeting in Largo, Maryland at 5:00 p.m. She'll follow the Great Grape to Alexandria, Virginia, for the 7:00 p.m. exchange. I'll ride home with her, south of Annapolis I think, make some transportation arrangements (maybe car, maybe plane), and crash the night. The next day-- Day Eleven!-- we'll goof off and then I'll return to Raleigh, by hook or crook, car or plane. Stay tuned! Total mileage today: 346 Total mileage total: 3366 Copyright 2000 by Michael J. Legeros Home
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