Seattle, 101 Things I Learned on Thursday and Friday
- Elephant garlic looks disgusting
- Elephant garlic crushed and swirled with olive oil looks even
more disgusting
- Elephant garlic crushed, swirled with oil and served with bread at
an Italian cafe on Lake Union doesn't exactly inspire confidence in my
entree, which I later decline to touch citing "it doesn't
look the least bit appetizing"
- Old fireboats are cool
- Notably the fireboat Duwamish
- Which is docked as an exhibit on Lake Union
- And which was built in 1910 and rebuilt in 1949
- When the Blue Angels are (a.) in town and (b.) practicing overhead,
it is a good idea to (c.) leave your camera turned on and (d.)
have your zoom lens already attached
- An airline operates pontoon planes on Lake Union
- They have a Customs office for incoming Canadians
- And even an x-ray machine
- A dirt parking lot outside partially covers an abandoned trolley
- The downtown AAA office is near the Space Needle
- The Space Needle is near Lake Union
- The Space Needle (and accompanying Seattle center) is always further
away than it looks, especially if you're on foot and killing an
entire afternoon in early August
- The Monorail runs between Seattle Center and Westlake Center downtown,
costs $1.50 per trip, and takes two minutes to get there
- The Metro runs between Westlake Center and Pioneer Square further
downtown, is free, and takes three or four minutes to get
- The Monorail is a relic from 1968's World's Fair
- The Metro is a series of underground tunnels used by the city's electric
- Haagen-Daas in Westlake Center serves the smallest single scoops of
ice-cream I have ever seen in my life
- Nor do they stock Belgian Chocolate-Chocolate Chip
- Killing time at the Westlake Center food court and inadvertently observing
the exchange of children between divorced parents is depressing
- FAO Schwartz on 5th Street is lame
- Magic Mouse Toys in Pioneer Square is better
- There are some freaky-looking people in this city
- Think Franklin Street to the nth
- Hair colors spotted by Yours Truly: white, black, brown, blonde, blue,
green, purple, orange, and red
- Certain busy streets should not be crossed, especially if they have
concrete barriers down the middle
- Other busy streets should not be stood in the middle of while taking
- Or you'll get honked at
- Standing on a busy street corner, however, is okay
- Standing on a busy street and photographing people is fun
- Especially downtown
- Especially downtown during rush hour
- Especially with a zoom lens, so they can't turn away in time
- Sara thinks Playmobile figures are cool
- Sara was a Playmobile virgin
- Parking in Greenlake sucks
- Parking everywhere in Seattle sucks
- Most restaurants in Seattle are non-smoking, negating the need for
my customary "non-stinky section" request
- Rosita's Mexican restaurant in Greenlake is excellent
- And one serving of fried ice-cream could feed a family of four
- The first fire department in Seattle was formed in 1870, by volunteers
- The first paid department was formed in 1889
- The Great Seattle Fire one year earlier destroyed 31 square blocks
of downtown. New buildings were constructed over old buildings
and have since had their basements dug deeper, discovering the first
floors of the old buildings, still intact
- The modern underground Metro stations, however, look like sets
from a science fiction movie:

- Too bad my camera doesn't like them. Not enough light
- The view from any higher point in the city is spectacular, day or
- Especially when Mt. Rainier can be seen in the distance
- Mr. Rainier can be seen from Sara's apartment's balcony
- Hanging out at a research lab gets old after a while, even with
reading to do and writing to be done
- The locals call soda "pop"
- So do I, learning the term while living in Minnesota
- Tower Records across from Seattle Center is open from 9 until midnight
- They have everything, or least a couple things I'd have a hard time
finding in Raleigh
- Like a Japanese Ventures "two-fer", on sale
- Or an album by the Vickars, featuring an early Lemmy of Motorhead
- Or a Butt-head action figure for Sara, completing with talking display
- Record stores in Seattle even have espresso booths
- As do cancer research laboratories
- People wear darker, grungier colors here
- Lots of "granny glasses," too
- Hawaiian shirts, however, are uncommon, as evident by the many compliments
I receive
- The Boeing factory in Everett, north of Seattle, offers weekday tours
- Tickets are $5 at the door and $10 over the phone
- The Boeing Tour Center reservation line is open only from 12-3
- And takes forever to reach
- The Boeing Tour Center does not take same-day reservations
- A fact that isn't noted on their Web page
- A fact that sends Sara and I screaming to Everett at 11:30 a.m. on
Friday, after learning than less than 50 tickets are left
- Driving with Sara can be scary
- Unless you bury your nose in a laptop
- In which case the only hint of impending doom are the lateral
G-forces squishing you against the car door
- Seattle-area movie listings are incomprehensible, unless you know
what town or city district goes with what street
- Theater chains in the area include Loews and Regal Cinemas
- Ticket prices are about the same as Raleigh
- Discount superstores, like Target, K-Mart, and Wal-Mart, are not everywhere,
like in Raleigh
- Same with clusters of fast-food or slow-food chains
- Washington Target stores have no better of a selection of
harder-to-find Matchbox models than those in North Carolina
- The Black Angus Steakhouse has both a wonderful, well-priced lunch
menu and the highest-backed booths I've ever sat in
- The Auto Travel desk at the Everett AAA office is
- The Boeing factory boasts the largest building in the world, by volume
- The Boeing factory tour takes about an hour, unless it's Friday, last
tour of the day, and one of the two buses is broken down
- But you might get a free pin under such circumstances!
- The Boeing factory has their own fire station
- The Boeing factory fire station also protects the adjacent Payne Field
- Flash Fridays" are when women are signaled with car headlights
to bear their breasts
- I wish we had "Flash Fridays" in Raleigh
- The movie Hollow Man is great at the start...
- ...and lame at the end
- Watching with a biochemist, however, adds extra amusement
- The Everett Mall has a couple of cool collectibles stores
- And a food court where I eat dinner
- (McDonalds and Baskin-Robbins)
- In Seattle, Capitol Hill is the best place to find freaks
- Especially at night
- Especially on a Friday night
- Walking with Sara on a Friday night is fun
- Walking anywhere with Sara is fun
- I wish Sara and I lived in the same city
- But I'd settle for the same coast.
Copyright 2000 Michael J. Legeros
Copyright 2023 by Michael J. Legeros