Baltimore Volunteer Fire Company Firehouses
Last edited December 29, 2014
Researched and documented by Jeff Mogush
Year organized | Company name
1763 | Mechanical Fire Co. No. 1
- 1763
-1829 Fayette St. near Gay St. (adjoining the old court house)
- 1829
-1838 North St. (now Guilford Ave.) at Orange Alley
- 1838
-1859 29 S. Calvert St. opposite Mercer St.
1782 | Union Fire Co. No. 2
- 1782
-1814 Hanover St. & Camden St.
- 1814
-1859 Balderston St. east of Charles St.
1785 | Friendship Fire Co. No. 3
- 1785
-1859 11 North Frederick St. south of Fayette St.
1792 | Deptford Fire Co. No.4 (Fells Point)
- 1785
-1828 Market St. (now Broadway) & Canton Ave. (now Fleet St.)
- 1828
-1844 Market St. (now Broadway) & Canton Ave. (now Fleet St.) (new engine
- 1844
-1854 Strawberry Alley (now Dallas St.) & Gough St. (destroyed by fire)
- 1854
-1859 Strawberry Alley (now Dallas St.) & Gough St. (new engine house)
1794 | Liberty Fire Co. No. 5
- 1794
-1810 Liberty St. between Park Ave. & Fayette St.
- 1810
-1859 Liberty St. between Park Ave. & Fayette St. (new engine house)
1799 | Federal Fire Co. No. 6 (changed name to Independent Fire Co., 1811)
- 1799
-1802 Location unknown (building owned by a member)
- 1802
-1811 Bridge St. (now Gay St.) & Harford St. (now Ensor St.)
1811 | Independent Fire Co. No. 6
- 1811
-1819 Bridge St. (now Gay St.) & Harford St. (now Ensor St.)
- 1819
-1853 Gay & Ensor Streets
- 1853
-1859 Gay & Ensor Streets (new engine house)
1804 | Vigilant Fire Co. No. 7
- 1804
-1819 Granby St. (now High St.) near Duke St.
- 1819
-1848 High St. near Lombard St.
- 1848
-1859 35 E. Lombard & High streets
1805 | New Market Fire Co. No. 8
- 1805
-1810 Eutaw between Saratoga & Mulberry streets
- 1810
-1859 Eutaw & Lexington streets
1805 | Columbian Fire Co. No. 9 (Fells Point)
- 1805
-1828 Location Unknown
- 1828
-1849 Market St. (now Broadway) & Canton Ave. (now Fleet St.)
- 1849
-1859 Ann & Gough streets
1810 | First Baltimore Hose Co. No. 10
- 1810
-1817 Hanover St. & German Lane
- 1817
-1859 #10 McClellan Alley near Baltimore St.
1810 | United Hose & Suction Co. No. 11
- 1810
-1822 Corner of Howard & Liberty streets
- 1823
-1859 Liberty St. between Pratt & Lombard streets
1810 | Fells Point Hose & Suction Co. No. 12 (changed name to Franklin Hose Co.,
- 1810-1822 Market St. (now Broadway) & Thames St. (foot of Broadway)
1822 | Franklin Hose Co. No. 12 (Fells Point)
- 1822
-1828 Market St. (now Broadway) & Thames St. (foot of Broadway)
- 1828
-18?? Market St. (now Broadway) & Canton Ave. (now Fleet St.)
- 18??
-1859 Eastern Ave. between Broadway & Bond St.
1815 | Washington Hose Co. No. 13
- 1815
-1821 location unknown
- 1821
-1841 Lombard St. between Sharp & Liberty streets
- 1841
-1853 Conway St. between Howard & Eutaw streets
- 1853
-1859 Barre St. near Sharp St.
1822 | Patapsco Fire Co. No. 14
- 1822
-1849 SW corner North St. (now Guilford Ave.) & Fayette streets
- 1849
-1859 St. Paul St. near Centre St. (Sold 1861)
1830 | Howard Fire Co. No. 15
- 1830
-1859 Paca St. north of Fayette St.
1840 | Watchman Fire Co. No. 16 (South Baltimore)
- 1840
-1843 York St. (stable near Watchman & Butt’s foundry)
- 1843
-18?? Light & York streets
- 18??
-1859 125 E. Montgomery St. between Light & William streets
1842 | Lafayette Hose Co. No. 17
- 1842
-1843 Caroline & Silver streets (now May St.)
- 1843
-18?? Caroline St. near Pitt St. (now Fayette St.)
- 18??
-1859 Caroline & Holland streets (now Lexington St.)
1851 | Monumental Hose Co. No. 18
- 1851
-18?? Bank Lane (now Wilkes Alley) & Calvert St.
- 18??
-18?? North St. (now Guilford Ave.) & Lexington St.
- 18??
-1859 Fayette St. & McClellan Alley
1851 | Pioneer Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1
- 1851
-1859 Harrison St. north of Fayette St.
1852 | Western Hose Co. No. 20
- 1852
-1857 W. Baltimore St. between Greene & Pearl streets
- 1857
-1859 Greene St. between Baltimore & German streets (now Redwood St.)
1853 | Mt. Vernon Hook & Ladder Co. No. 2
- 1853
-1854 W. Baltimore St. between Greene & Pearl streets (firehouse of the Western
Hose Co.)
- 1854
-1859 Biddle St. west of Ross St. (now Druid Hill Ave.)
1856 | United States Hose Co. No. 22 (Federal Hill)
- 1856
-1859 William St. & Kines Alley
- History Of Baltimore City And County - From the Earliest Period to the Present
Day, J. Thomas Scharf, 1881.
- Official History Of The Fire Department Of The City Of Baltimore - “Our
Firemenâ€, Clarence H. Forrest, 1898.
- The
Firemen’s Record, J. Albert Cassedy 1921.
- The
Romance Of Firefighting, Robert S. Holzman, 1956, Harper & Brothers Publishing.
- The
Unheralded Heroes of Baltimore’s Big Blazes, William A. Murray, 1969.
- The
Rigs Of The Unheralded Heroes, William F. Snyder & William A. Murray, 1971.
- Baltimore Street Name Changes 1730 To 2000, Thomas P. Bocek, 2007, History
Copyright 2023 by Michael J. Legeros