
                  Living Hell - Volume #1, Issue #12


September 24, 2001


  o New York's Bravest
  o Chart
  o Map
  o Definition of Freedom

New York's Bravest

From http://nyc.gov/html/fdny/...

From the FDNY 2000 Annual Report...


   11,495 Uniformed Firefighters and Fire Officers
    2,677 EMTs and Paramedics
      222 Fire Marshals
      195 Fire Inspectors
    1,741 Administrative Support Personnel (Dispatchers, Mechan-
          ics/Tradespeople, Technologists, Civilian Profession-
          als, Etc.)

Causes of Fatal Files

       20 Intentionally Set
       31 Smoking
       37 Candles, Cooking, Matches, Open Flame
        3 Electrical Heater
       23 Electrical/Extension Cord
        9 Electrical/All Others
        4 Vehicle Accident
        2 Gas Vapor
        4 Other

      133 Total Fire Fatalities, All Cause

Fire Response

  933,295 Fire Apparatus Responses
  449,296 Fires, Non-Fire Emergencies and Medical Calls
   29,281 Structural Fires Extinguished
   31,058 Non-Structural Fires Extinguished

Fire Investigation

    7,937 Fires Investigated for Potential Arson
    3,404 Fires caused by Arson
      394 Arrests Made

Medical Emergencies

1,262,599 EMS Unit Responses
1,064,591 Medical Emergencies, Total
  388,760 Medical Emergencies, Life-Threatening

Fire Prevention

  181,328 Inspections
   58,729 Apparatus Field Inspection Duty (AFID) Inspections
   81,520 Violations Issued
   69,537 Violations Corrected
    8,724 Summonses Issued


One month ago, feeling like five years ago, a three-dollar, FDNY
"unit location chart," as advertised in "Fire Apparatus Journal,"
an every-other-month monthly rag featuring fire truck photos and
related news.  Tis a two-page chart, color-printed on thin,
not-quite-cardboard stock and laminated by Yours Truly at Kinko's
and which details, as of November 1999, the station or special
facility location of every engine, squad, ladder, rescue, and
marine company, as well as (most) all Special Operations Command
(SOC) u-nits.  FDNY is the largest fire department in the nation
and one of the largest in the world.  (Tokyo is bigger, I
believe.  Who else?)  And its roster reflects the breadth and
severity of the services they perform.  Even before the
hundred-fold (thousand-fold?) challenges of September 11, 2001,
the firefighters of New York have been fighting more than just

As listed on said chart, these "specialized units" suggests theirs
is a job even *tougher* than what we've imagined:

  o Alternative Fuel Response Unit*
  o Collapse Rescue
  o Computer Assisted Dispatch Operations Unit
  o Decontamination Unit
  o Decontamination Support Unit
  o FDR Drive Response Unit**
  o Field Communications Unit
  o Foam Carrier
  o Foam Tender
  o Hazardous-Materials Unit
  o Hazardous-Materials Technician Unit
  o High-Rise Unit
  o Hose Wagon (JFK airport)
  o Hose Wagon Manifold
  o Mask Service Unit
  o Mobile Command Post
  o Photo Unit
  o Rehabilitation and Comfort Unit
  o Satellite Water System Unit
  o SCUBA Support Unit
  o Tactical Support Unit
  o Thawing Unit (for frozen fire hydrants)
  o Safety Battalion

* Carries dry-chemical extinguishing agent, for propane-powered
  vehicles and such.

* Mini-pumpers utilized during recently completed long-term re-
  pairs that denied highway access to most full-size apparatus.


From cnn.com and colored by Yours Truly, map of where the Heck
everything is happening:

afghan-map.jpg (35825 bytes)

Definition of Freedom

The freedom to display a flag.

The freedom to protest a displayed flag.

The freedom to protest the protest of a displayed flag.

Copyright 2001 by Michael J. Legeros




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