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MISS CONGENIALITY, which is, what, Sandra Bullock's *third* consec- utive flop?, kinda, sorta, almost remakes "Pygmalion." B., who is also credited as a producer, plays a boorish, bumble-y, FBI tomboy who goes undercover as a "Miss USA" contestant and thus requiring a crash-course in all things ladylike. (Plus one whole-body makeover, dully depicted as a high-tech, James Bond-style, secret laboratory sequence.) Her highbrow tutor is played by Michael Caine, all snide sarcasm and formal fussbudget-ry. He's fun, but doesn't appear for a full thirty minutes, so we have to make due with lots of straight- played "policing"-- like a stakeout-gone-wrong at the film's start-- as well as several shots of a mad bomber who figgers into the plot. Groan. I lasted forty-five minutes before leaving, long enough to witness (a.) Bullock slinging her handsome co-star (and presumed la- ter love-interest) around a gymnasium floor, (b.) the appearance of Candice Bergen (!) and William Shatner (!!) as the pageant's produc- er and emcee, respectively, and (c.) countless on-screen occurrences of male leering and which typically resulted in audience laughter! Obviously, these law-enforcement "professionals" inhabit an alter- nate universe where sexual harassment laws neither exist nor are en- forced. Cue Tom Jones singing "She's a Lady." With Benjamin Bratt, Heather Burns, and Ernie Hudson. Donald Petrie (GRUMPY OLD MEN) di- rects. (Rated "PG-13"/110 min.) Grade: W/O