
                     Letters to Hell - May, 1997



 - Day Job
 - Fatally Flawed
 - Home Movies
 - Other Matters
 - Czech Please

Day Job

[ From: Gary ]

> Saw two of your movie reviews.  There is certainly no accounting
> for your taste... keep your day job.

[ Will do! ]

Fatally Flawed

[ From:  Eddie ]

> I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but your otherwise fine
> review was fatally flawed for me.  Did they, or did they not, use
> Tom Petty's "Breakdown" in the soundtrack?  :)
> I suppose I am in a silly mood.  But the title does beg that
> question.

[ Silly is good. ]

Home Movies

[ From: Eric ]

> During my surfing around the Internet, I came across your page 
> and I must say that I was impressed.  Beautifully designed and
> fast-loading to boot.  There was just one error as far as I could
> tell-- there wasn't a link to MOVIES AT HOME.  This is my site 
> and since I also run a movie site, mine dealing with home video
> exclusively, I was wondering if you would be interested in
> exchanging links with me.

[ I'm still mulling. ]

Other Matters

[ From: Elizabeth ]

> A "B" for CHASING AMY?  How could you be so harsh?  Kevin Smith
> has made a soul-searching, gut-exposing flick that takes us to
> places that nice people don't talk about at dinner parties.  It
> is a gutsy and impressive display.
> On to other matters-- I have a few questions about moviedom in
> Raleigh.  I am from Monroe (just outside Charlotte), but I have
> been living in Cleveland for the last three years attending law
> school.  I am preparing to move back to N.C. at the end of May 
> and I am curious about the availability of, for lack of a better
> term, art-house films in the N.C. market.  Can you actually find
> these sorts of films with frequency in the RTP area?  And is
> there more than one theater that shows these kinds of flicks.
> Any information you have about movies availability in N.C. would 
> be helpful.
> Oh yeah, are you a native?

[ In order, (a.) considering the tone problems and the lousy lead
  actress, a "B" is probably far from "harsh", (b.) quality "art
  house" fare is available in all three Triangle cities, and (c.)
  I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota on June 9, 1965, and moved
  to Morehead City, North Carolina in January of 1980.  ]

Czech Please

[ From Joyce ]
[ Re: KOYLA ]

> I must say, you hit the nail right on the head in your review.  I
> loved the movie and also felt "cheated" at the end.  I loved all
> the characters and the movie ended so abruptly.

[ From: Elisabeth ]
[ Re: KOYLA Acceptance Speech ]

> I agree with you that Jan Sverak's speech was touching.  And so
> lovely, in fact, that I have been scouring the Internet to find
> the text.  It must be somewhere, but at my age (60) I find that
> my surfing skills aren't up to snuff.   I did find quite a few
> acceptance speeches on the Oscar home page or whatever, but they
> did not include those for "lesser categories," as I am afraid
> most Americans still consider foreign films.  If you happen to
> know how to locate Sverak's charming speech, would you be so king
> as to let me know?

[ Obviously, I couldn't bear to correct her typo in the last line.
  Do you think she knows about The Elvis suit?

  Good night, everybody! ]

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