This china cabinet was purchased for $100 from someone
at work. Has two glass shelves and a wooden back
and is great for larger-scale models as well as raised
aerials. The bottom has been modified with white
cardboard on top of old cassette tape cases. This
raises the bottom to the level of the glass door.
Regular white paper is taped to the back of the case to
better accent the colors and details of the displayed
models. |

I found this wall unit years ago at a local toy and
hobby show. Someone in the Carolinas (or maybe
Virginia) was making them. Pretty sturdy, though
the shelves are bowing a bit. Strips of white
cardboard are taped to the back, again to accent colors
and details. |

This wall unit was purchased on the Internet, from a
custom cabinet company that I can't recall.
Originally delivered with four shelves, I later ordered
two more. Again, that's white cardboard taped to
the back. |

Wal-Mart stocked these curios a couple of years
ago. The back is mirrored, which I covered with
white paper. The case also came with an ornate
"head piece" that I left off. |

For displaying your Diamond Plate models, these $5.99
showcases (sold at K*B Toys, among others) are
great. That's white cardboard over a black plastic
base. |

For displaying Diamond Plate #5, which is too tall for
the last case no matter if the aerial is raised or not,
this clear container was purchased at Michael's Arts &
Crafts. Alas, not all of their stores stock same and
it's priced around $17. Use a coupon. |

Got a model that's slightly too tall for one of those
$5.99 cases? Use a piece of cardboard that's
longer than the base, so the lid rests on the cardboard
instead of the plastic. |

Here's your standard, assembly-required curio cabinet,
bought on sale at Service Merchandise before they went
out of business. The top shelf is tall enough for
12" action figures. The bottom shelves
contain an extra piece of glass that a local glass maker
made for about $15. And to prevent dust from
seeping in around the doors, clear plastic binding bars
(from an office supply store) are attached to the edges. |

Would you believe a case for displaying golf balls?
Found this one at a roadside flea market. Removed
the tee pegs and added white paper to the back.
That's a Code 3 ambulance on the fourth shelf.

This is an airplane case, thus the wider size.
Though harder to find, they're great for displaying
several models at once. As for the Code 3
helicopter, it's raised using one half of a...
hockey-puck holder. Sports memorabilia store for
that one. |

Here's a clear acrylic case that a local hobby shop
was selling. Had a scratch, so I got it cheap. Has
ten compartments and a mirrored back.
Those are Code 3 Suburbans across the top.

This clear acrylic case was purchased online from
K&S Industries. Has 70 compartments and a
mirrored back.
Fits most Matchbox-sized "cars," but not
the aforementioned Suburbans. They're too long.

Finally, here's a $9 aquarium from Wal-Mart holding a
Franklin Mint E-One tower. More white cardboard on
the bottom, raised with more cassette tape cases.
The top is a thin piece of Plexiglas purchased from and
cut to spec at Lowe's. |
