Let's start the New Year with a collection of random collecting tips, plus
one question: what's was last year's best model from Code 3?
I say the Detroit ladder, hands down. What's your pick?
Let me know
and I'll include the results in next month's
column. Now, some tips:
Dome Stacking. Here's how I store older Code 3 packaging.
Domes are stacked according to size, as are the cardboard bottoms. Shipping sleeves are folded flat. Plastic bases are piled into a
container. Screws, ladder clips, and other extras are stored along
with the authenticity certificates in the cardboard bottoms, and
hopefully not lost at a later date. |

Door Removal. Curio cabinets are great for displaying
models, except that the cabinet doors often block quite a bit of
the view. My solution? Take 'em off! Remove both the doors and
the hinges, then
head to a home improvement store for a piece of custom-cut
Plexiglas�. Secure with tape, Velcro� strips, bubble gum, etc.
You won't believe how much better it looks. |

False Bottoms. The base of a curio cabinet
often sits "below" the door, and thus below the line of sight. Solve this particular problem
with blocks of wood or other stackable objects, such as old
cassette tape cases. On top of those I place comic
book boards, scored and folded over the ends of the blocks. Check your local comic book shops for these. They're cheap. A
box of 100 costs five or six bucks. |

Flattened Boxes. For storing
packaging from brands such as Siku and
older Conrad and Cursor, try folding the
boxes flat. Remove any inserts, open the
end flaps, and stack accordingly. If the
package has a cool apparatus photo, you
can easily scan the box at that time. |

Helo Stands. To display helicopters or other aircraft,
I stand a plastic trading card case on its side. Or
sometimes two of them, glued end-to-end. A dab of wax on
the skids / pontoons keeps the thing from sliding off,
whenever my clumsy self bumps the display case. |

Non-Flash Digital Photography. For better color when
taking digital pictures of your collection, first get a $20 tripod
at your neighborhood discount chain. Next, use your camera's timer to snap the shutter. Play with exposure
modes as well. The timer / tripod combination will negate any camera shake, so you can use existing
light instead of an overpowering flash. And if you
position the camera really close to the model, remember to
activate the "macro" mode. |

Shelf Saving. Code 3 and similarly-scaled models are
but a few inches high; curio cabinet shelves are often a
half-foot high. Optimize that vertical space using "shelf
savers" designed for kitchen pantries. Kitchen accessory
stores have 'em. |

Waxing Poetic. The single most useful accessory in
my arsenal is hobby wax. Available at craft stores, it's
great for attaching broken pieces that you don't have time to
glue. Or affixing mirrors that are a little loose for
their predrilled holes. Or just holding something up,
open, or still. One "jar" lasts forever. |

Wee Baggies. Found at paper shops or craft
stores, these re-sealable baggies are great for storing packaging
screws, replacement parts, and other odd accessories. I
use a permanent magic marker to note which bag goes
with which model. |

A version of this column originally appeared at
Code 3 Collectibles .
Copyright 2023 by Michael J. Legeros