This month, an interview with collector Jeff Hawkins on the subject
of apparatus photography. Jeff is the Sales Administrator and
Marketing Manager for Performance Specialty Vehicles, a
Virginia-based dealer of American
LaFrance, MedicMaster, Road Rescue, and Medix Specialty Vehicles. Jeff is also a volunteer firefighter with the Chickahominy Volunteer
Fire Department in Hanover County, Virginia. He is married and resides in
Henrico County, a suburb of Richmond.
Mike: How do you shoot fire apparatus?
Jeff: With a camera.
M: Film or digital?
J: Digital.
M: What kind of camera?
J: Canon EOS Digital Rebel
SLR, 6.3 megapixels.
M: What kind of lens?
J: I use the
lens that came with the camera, a Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6.
M: Which side of a truck do you
prefer to shoot, driver's or passenger's?
My preference is the driver's side when
composing a formal photograph.
M: Standing or crouching?
J: It depends on the type of apparatus.
Shorter vehicles such as ambulances and brush trucks require a
different approach than the larger pumpers, rescues, and aerials.
Sometimes I crouch down for a low angle, but I usually try to have
the camera at about eye level of the average person.
M: Do you use a tripod?
J: When shooting formal delivery photos,
yes. If I'm just visiting fire stations, then no I don't lug it around.
M: Do you
stand parallel to the front bumper? Ahead of the bumper?
As a rule of thumb, I
stand at approximately a 45-degree angle
to the front and left side of the vehicle. A little trick that I
learned on the older Freightliner models (i.e. FL60, FL80, etc.) is
to position yourself so that you are looking straight down the right
side of the front bumper. Try this and you'll see what I mean.
M: How does the angle affect the
If I�m shooting the rig in front of a station or
other structure, I�ll spend some time composing the shot
so I avoid any angles and lines of the building intersecting with
the edges of the apparatus. You want a distinct
difference between the apparatus and the building, so they don't appear to run together anywhere in the picture.
M: How important is lighting and
avoiding shadows and glare?
Lighting is paramount. Shadows
are totally unacceptable in my book. I have waited up to 30
minutes for the sun to come out before taking a shot. Full sunlight makes
the difference in the world.
Glare from the sun is usually not a problem, however I
recommend that you avoid midday shots in order to have a more
direct angle of sunlight. I also try to avoid shots
late in the day when you start seeing the orange glow from the
setting sun.
M: Fire trucks have a lot of
shiny surfaces. What about reflections?
Experience has also taught me to pay close attention
to reflections, especially with trucks that have hinged doors. For
example, if you�ve got a white car parked nearby, the reflection in
those compartment doors will be very obvious and distracts from the
photo. Again, this is one of those things that I take into
consideration before snapping the shutter and it often determines my
exact positioning when taking a shot. Another trick is to roll down
the windows on the driver's side. No exposed glass means no glare
and something less to worry
M: Do you prefer apparatus posed or
on scene?
J: Posed, especially if the image will be used for
marketing purposes. Should I happen upon an incident, I can always
take advantage of the action. Emergency scenes almost always produce interesting results.
M: Lights on, lights off?
Compartments open, compartments closed?
J: Lights off, however I have done a few artsy night shots
with apparatus posed in the station with the lights on. I
have to admit that a Roto-Ray looks really cool in a time exposure!
Compartment doors should remain closed unless you are taking
a specific photo to highlight how the equipment is mounted, or
if you are documenting other features.
M: How many shots do
you take?
J: On average I�ll take two
or three photos of one truck. I've got it narrowed down so I know
exactly what I'm looking for even though I'm using
digital media and not wasting film.
For new deliveries that I photograph for PSV, I typically
shoot about 20 or 25 different images of the apparatus. This
includes all four sides, cab and compartment interiors, pump panel, dunnage area, hose bed, front bumper, and any accessories. When the
images are posted on our web site, the different perspectives gives prospective customers a
complete and comprehensive overview of the apparatus. The images
also make great reference material for pre-construction meetings and
other design related tasks.
M: What should you avoid when shooting a piece of apparatus?
J: First and foremost, take pictures that you will be satisfied with. Remember, we all have our own style of photography.
Next, try to maintain a clean background with no obstructions,
especially overhead wires and light poles. These tend to detract
from a photograph. I also do a few things to clean-up the shot, such
as straighten any
cab mounted spotlights, arrange the Roto-Ray in an upright triangle
fashion, and clear the dashboard of helmets, clipboards, or other
M: Do you have
special considerations for printing or publishing in black and white?
J: As several publications print my new delivery
photographs in black and
white, I convert the images to grayscale using Adobe Photoshop. I
also tweak them a bit if needed. When shooting, it has been my experience that utilizing bright
sunlight and a nice blue sky really does wonders for black and white
M: Let's move onto etiquette.
What's the best way to approach firefighters and ask if they'll pull
their truck out?
J: If at all possible, call ahead and let the crew know
that you are coming. This makes life so much easier by allowing them
to keep their schedule clear during a certain time frame. It also often
builds anticipation among the firefighters that a photographer is
coming by to shoot the trucks. Of course, calling ahead is not always
possible, particularly if you are from out of town.
M: Do you recommend mornings
or afternoons, weekdays or weekends?
J: My first rule of thumb
is to try and avoid meal time no matter what day of the week. Being a volunteer firefighter myself,
I can assure you that public safety personnel don�t
always get to eat at "proper" meal times and most don�t like to
be interrupted by a photographer.
Most of my station visits are on weekends due to my work schedule.
However, based on the experiences of other photographers, it seems that
one day works as good as another.
M: What else can you advise
about station visits?
J: When you are finally
face to face with someone, always introduce yourself and be polite.
Let the crew know up front that you would like to photograph one,
several, or all of their trucks. If the crew is in the middle of
training or other activities, ask if you should return at another
time. Maybe later that day, or later that week. Never push the issue, as
their job comes before our photography. Hopefully you'll be welcomed at
the station and things will proceed from there.
It�s been my experience that the first thing most crews like to do
is take you on a tour of the station. Always accept the offer.
Remember this is their second home, not just some place where they work.
M: What are other good
places to take apparatus photos?
J: Dealerships are a great place to take apparatus
photos. If you have an apparatus dealership nearby, develop a relationship with
someone there. They can help you by moving or positioning apparatus. As
with station visits, try to call ahead and make an appointment. This
ensures that either your contact or another staff member is there to
both pose the vehicle and
answer any questions. Always remember to obtain
permission before venturing onto someone else�s property. I�ve got a
regular group of photographers that keep tabs on our new deliveries
and I can always expect a phone call wanting to set-up a photo shoot
ASAP after new apparatus arrives.
M: Do you you prefer to shoot at the time of delivery or later?
J: My preference is after the
truck has been placed in service. Often you
can utilize the station as a backdrop and, more importantly, the
truck has equipment on it, such as hose, ladders, hand tools, etc.
M: Do you have a good
system for storing, indexing, and managing all those digital picture
J: Absolutely. This starts with naming the file. What I
have found that works best is to title the digital picture file as location, unit, date, and photographer.
For example: "Henrico County, VA Engine 7 Aug 21, 2004 Jeff Hawkins.jpg."
Next, I'll store the file in a folder categorized by state, county,
department, and station number. Finally I burn everything to a CD
for archiving.
M: What are the best ways
to publish or distribute apparatus pictures?
J: I think we can all agree that the Internet is hands
down the best venue for sharing photos with others. There are a number
of buff sites that I post to along with the fire department and
company sites that utilize my photos.
M: Which sites are those?
And do you have other favorite sites?
Primarily I post to and . Additionally, Mike Martinelli's is a fantastic gallery of quality apparatus
images. Mike is obviously very dedicated to this hobby and it shows
in his work. There are also dozens of individual albums out there if
you search such photo sites as
M: Can you share a couple
of your favorite shots?
Certainly. This is a picture of
Earlysville Engine 45, a 2000 Pierce
Saber with a 750 GPM pump, 350 gallon tank, and 50 gallon foam cell.
Here is Chatham Rescue 128, a 2004
Freightliner M2 with a 14-foot RescueMaster body. And this is
Fairfax County Engine 428, a 2005 Pierce
Dash with a 1,500 GPM pump, 625 gallon tank, and 40-gallon foam cell.
Mike Legeros can be contacted
here. Jeff Hawkins can
be contacted here. Both welcome
your comments or questions about apparatus photography. A version of this column originally appeared at
Code 3 Collectibles .
Copyright 2023 by Michael J. Legeros