Raleigh Fire Department Apparatus Register
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Other Vehicles


2023 Ford/MO

2017 Ford (2)

2005 Ford

2002 SVI

1998 Sterling

1988 GMC

1987 Int'l

1986 Chevy (3)

1973 Mack

1968 Chevy

1968 ALF

1966 Chevy

1965 Dodge (2)

1965 Int'l

1960 GMC (2)

1948 Ford

1944 Dodge

1944 (?) Dodge Squad Truck


 Courtesy of Raleigh Fire Department

Notes: Half-ton truck equipped with booster pump, booster reel, water tank, ladder rack, and suction hose, among other equipment.


  • Delivered after May 8, 1944, after City Council authorized acceptance on May 8, 1944, as a loaner from T. H. Briggs & Inc.
  • Retired after collision with Greyhound bus at corner of Edenton and Blount Streets on September 12, 1947.

Accident occurs about 9:30 a.m., while responding to an automobile fire on North Dawson Street. The apparatus is headed north, and the empty bus is travelling east. The apparatus travels 49 feet before stopping; the bus stops 107 feet from the point of impact. The two firefighters are both ejected. Fireman Roy R. High, who is driving and is thrown 70 feet, sustains injuries, including a broken left arm, broken left ribs, broken chest bone, fractured left shoulder, and punctured left lung. Fireman Harold S. Stephenson, thrown about 45 feet, sustains a fractured left shoulder blade, lacerations of the face and scalp, and a slight concussion. The bus driver receives minor injuries. Both firefighters recover, though High does not return to active duty, and becomes a veteran dispatcher who serves for two decades. The fire truck is totaled.


Courtesy of C.T. May


Courtesy Raleigh News & Observer

Courtesy Raleigh News & Observer

This page was last updated on 07/28/19 06:24:27 PM