Siloam Bridge Collapse – February 23, 1975

This is a blog version of a Facebook posting.

Here’s a short summary about the Siloam Bridge Collapse, that we learned about this week. 

This happened on Sunday night, February 23, 1975, in Siloam, NC, on the border of Surry and Yadkin counties, in the community of Siloam. At about 9:25 p.m. in heavy fog, a car struck a supporting beam of the steel-truss bridge over the Yadkin River. The 387-foot long, 64-foot high single-lane bridge (built in 1938) buckled and collapsed.

Driver James T. Venable, 46, of Winston-Salem remembered “one second I was driving along and the next second I was flying through the air.” He didn’t remember hitting anything, reported the next day’s Winston-Salem Journal.

There were other vehicles on the bridge as well as others approaching, unaware of the collapse. A total of five automobiles, a pick-up truck, and a “Jeepster” went into the river. Four people were killed and sixteen injured, the newspaper reported.

The first emergency unit to arrive was from Fall Creek Volunteer Fire Department. Subsequent arriving agencies included Pilot Mountain Rescue Squad and recently formed Yadkin County Rescue Squad.  

Fire and rescue units from four counties responded over the course of the incident, from Surry, Yadkin, Stokes, and Forsyth.

That’s the a short summary. Read more below. 

More Information

Read newspaper articles from the Winston-Salem Journal and the Sentinel in this Google Drive folder.

See also these photos from the Winston-Salem Journal, in this retrospective.

Read another retrospective in this Abandoned, NC, blog posting

Facebook Comments

One Comment

  1. My name is Carolyn Joan Needham-Daniels and I have many relatives alive and passed on who are and were residents of Surry County, NC and I have just today heard of this tragedy. I live in Florida and have been a resident here since 1953 si I have missed alot. My question is; the name of the woman and littlle girl that passed away, last name Needham. Full name as posted in newspaper, Judy Needham. Is it possible to find her survivors? I am concerned as they may be my relatives. Please advise if this is possible/advisable; I understand why some folks may be hesitant to post private information. If not , I’ll understand. Thanks for the published information that I have read today for the first time. Bless you, Carolyn J. Needham-Daniels

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