This is a blog version of a Facebook posting from March 27, 2021.
Who wants some Eden and Tri-Cities fire history? Found these pics, maps excerpts, and news articles from various sources. Three departments merged in 1967 to create Eden FD:
Leaksville FD
- Jan 1915 – No fire department. [Sanborn]
- Dec 1921 – Two volunteer companies of ten men each, two Ford chemical wagons, one hand hose reel, serving Leaksville and Spray. [Sanborn]
- 1923 – Fire department re-organized, year cited in the Twin-City Sentinel on August 11, 1939.
- Feb 1925 – “New fire department” and two story fire station and municipal building pictured in Greensboro Daily News, Feb 8, 1925. Described in Greensboro Record on Feb 27, 1927, as newly organized, with 20 volunteers, one paid member, an American LaFrance Type 75 pumper recently purchased, and a new fire station.
- 1930 – One American LaFrance pumper, 750/40 chemical, one hose reel, volunteers plus one paid man at station, alarm by telephone and electric siren at city hall, fire station on North Henry Street at City Hall. [Sanborn]
- 1930 – Fire department underwent complete reorganization during the year, reported Reidsville Review on December 31, 1930. Each member was assigned specific duties and the department structure was fire chief, assistant chief, captain of hose/chemical section and men, and captain of ladder section and men.
- 1941 – Same data. [Sanborn]
- Apr 1955 – New electric siren installed atop the armory next door to fire station. [Greensboro Record, 4/23/55]
Draper FD
- 1943 – Created. First fire truck, 1919 Model T Ford/American LaFrance chemical wagon, donated by Fieldcrest Mills
- 1948 – New fire truck ordered from Roanoke, VA. [News-Record, 10/23/48]
- 1948 – Incorporated.
- Jul 1949 – New fire truck delivered, built in Roanoke, VA, Chevy chassis and equipped with 600 gallon tank. [News-Record, 7/15/49] The new truck was kept at the mill until 1952. [Greensboro Daily News, 12/4/80]
Spray FD
- Had one of two 1919 Ford Model T/American LaFrance chemical wagons bought by Marshall Field and Co. (see above). One of only 13 made that year.
- No fire department in 1930. [Sanborn]
- No FD in 1941. [Sanborn]
- Sep 1950 – Fire department organized two weeks ago, reported Winston-Salem Journal on Oct 8, 1950.
- Oct 1950 – New fire truck exhibited for first time during Fire Prevention Week. [Winston-Salem Journal, 10/8/50] Purchased by the Spray Civic Association. [News-Record, 2/10/02]
- Jun 1951 – Snapshot. SFD has 47 members, temporary station, alarm siren at station. Fire Chief is Woodrow Vestal.
- 1952 – Town of Spray incorporated. Town took over operation of fire department. [News-Record, 2/10/02]
However, each had a rural fire department that either continued operating independently or were re-organized later:
Leaksville Rural FD
- Former Leaksville FD
- Renamed Leaksville Rural FD in 1967, after Eden FD created.
- Housed at Eden Station 1 in 1984. [News-Record, 6/14/81]
- Still operating in 2002. [News-Record, 4/20/02]
Draper Rural FD
- Still operating in 2002. [News-Record, 4/20/02]
Spray Rural FD
- Created circa 1984.
- Still operating in 2002. [News-Record, 4/20/02]
- Ended after 2005.
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Andrew Messer photos via WNC Fire Pics,
Fieldcrest Mill Whistle newspaper via Digital NC Newspapers,
Lee Wilson photos,
Michael Patterson historic photos of the Tri-Cities,
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps via NC Maps,, and via
Various newspaper articles.