Two Alarms on Prince George Lane

See photos by Mike Legeros | Listen to radio traffic

Two alarms (with a third for mayday, then cancelled) were struck in Raleigh on Sunday morning, February 5, 2023. Was the fourth working fire in eight hours. Dispatched 6:12 a.m. for Old Lead Mine Road and Mere Oak Drive. Reported house fire, plus report of people trapped on second floor.

Engine 4 arrived in the area and found heavy smoke. They located the fire building, a two-story, wood-frame apartment building addressed 9401 Prince George Lane. With 10,440 square-feet. Heavy fire found in right rear (A/D) corner on second floor, extending to roof. Also found fire in the rear (C) of the structure.

There were occupants on a balcony/at windows that needed rescue. Plus others inside on second floor. Ground ladders thrown to begin rescue of occupants. Four rescued from both outside and inside, plus additional residents evacuated.

Second alarm requested within five minutes of first unit arrival. Additional EMS alarm(s) also requested.

Mike Legeros photos

Interior attack. Ladder 4 later deployed, along with deck gun from Engine 16 and exterior stream(s), as fire conditions worsened on the right side of the structure (A/B) (Ladder 4) and also vented from attic space (C) (Engine 16). Extensive EMS response, with ambulances staged on Old Lead Mine Road.

Mayday activated about 45 minutes into incident, one firefighter struck by falling ceiling materials, promptly evacuated. Transported as precaution. Third alarm struck, at time of mayday. Then cancelled.

Controlled 7:13 a.m. Crews still on scene a couple hours later, continuing salvage and overhaul.

From news, four people were transported with smoke inhalation. From radio traffic, a number of other residents were evaluated by EMS. From news, at least 20 people were displaced.

Mike Legeros photos

Chronology from radio traffic (incomplete):

~6:12 a.m. – E4, L4, B4, E18, E16, R16, E15, B5, L15, ISO14
~6:13 a.m. – EMS41
~6:18 a.m. – D4, E42, T1
~6:18 a.m. – A28, DC1, INV1
~6:19 a.m. – D3, E30, E33, M93
~6:23 a.m. – E9, E22, L22, E23, L23
~6:24 a.m. – Safety Chief en route
~6:25 a.m. – Chief 200, D9, EMS12, EMS14, EMS43, EMS52, EVAC1
~6:26 a.m. – Evacuate the structure. Defensive operations to start
~6:44 a.m. – Logistics Chief arrived
~6:52 a.m. – L6 to Sta 4
~6:53 a.m. – E12 to Sta 15
~6:54 a.m. – Sq14 to Sta 18
~6:56 a.m. – Mayday. L22 with firefighter down
~6:57 a.m. – Third alarm requested
~6:57 a.m. – EMS to front of fire building, bringing firefighter out
~6:58 a.m. – E17, E29, E19, L14, L6
~6:59 a.m. – Aerial ops starting on A/B corner
~7:00 a.m. – Third alarm returned to service/cancelled
~7:05 a.m. – City bus requested for shelter of displaced occupants
~7:13 a.m. – Fire under control

Subsequent special call for more fire companies for relief and to help with overhaul. Additional EMS resources also added, during incident.

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