Presenting research notes on the history of ambulance and rescue services in New Hanover County.
See below for selected notes.
See this Google Drive folder for 200+ articles, including those referenced below.
1957, Feb – Cape Fear Ambulance Service was under new management, prices reduced, read an advertisement. [SN, 2/17/58]
1958, Oct – Cape Fear Ambulance Service ceased answering emergency calls in the city and county, due to losing money. The city started providing ambulance service through police department, using two police station wagons. Officers were also “fully trained in first aid.” The first police ambulance call was October 13, 1958. The county planned to equip the sheriff’s department to provide ambulance service. CFAS would continue making non-emergency “house calls.” [SN, 10/2/58, 10/6/58, 10/7/58, 10/13/58 ]
1958, Oct – Wrightsville Beach reported as having emergency ambulance service, through permanent use of a “fully-equipped” Civil Air Patrol ambulance. It operated from the police department and was maintained by CAP squadron members. Ambulance rides were free, but the squadron appreciated donations. [SN, 10/10/58, 10/16/58]
1958, Oct – County made 90 day agreement with Cape Fear Ambulance Company to provide emergency service to unincorporated areas, as a trial basis. [SN, 10/20/58]
1958, Oct – Civil Air Patrol squadron ambulances were operating at Wrightsville Beach and Carolina Beach, and a third was being obtained at Fort Fisher. [SN, 10/20/58]
1959, Feb – Cape Fear Ambulance Service ceased operating. [SN, 8/23/63]
1959, Feb – Ambulance Service Company started operation. Owner is Harold Jackson. By June 1963, the company operated four vehicles. [SN, 6/25/63, 8/23/63] Continue reading ‘New Hanover County Ambulance and Rescue Services History’ »