Parking Deck Fire on Hillsborough Street

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Mike Legeros photos

On Sunday, January 7, 2024, Raleigh Engine 5 and Ladder 6 were dispatched at 4:56 p.m. for a commercial fire alarm at 3001 Hillsborough Street, five-story student apartments, with first-floor commercial occupancies plus five-story parking deck.

Engine 5 arrived with nothing showing from the front of the building. Ladder 6 arrived and reported heavy smoke seen from the parking deck. The call was upgraded to a working structure fire and additional units were dispatched.

Image via @barstoolpack on Instagram

Crews found vehicles burning on the fourth level of the parking deck. A mini-pumper was dispatched, to access the deck and the fire floor. Lines from the standpipe system were also used, along with a line brought from the ground level, using Ladder 6. 

Command called for one additional engine during the incident. The command post was located behind the building on ME Valentine Drive. Medical monitoring and rehab was located at the northeast corner of the building, at Hillsborough Street and Friendly Drive. 

The fire was controlled at 5:39 p.m. Three vehicles were heavily damaged, started from initial vehicle that caught fire. Five others also were also damaged. There was extended overhaul, that included smoke removal on the deck levels and subsequent air monitoring.

The entire structure was evacuated as a precaution during the incident. 

Run Card

  • Fire alarm: E5 L6
  • Working fire: E8 E6 L14 Sq14 R16 B3 B5 SO14 DC1 INV1 A10
  • Special call: MP7
  • Special call: E13
  • Medical: EMS12 EMS18 EMS79 D1

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Wake County Fire Commission Meeting – January 11, 2024

The Wake County Fire Commission will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at the Wake County Emergency Services Education Center, 221 S. Rogers Lane, Raleigh, NC 27610.

View agenda and meeting documents.

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Raleigh Run Numbers – 2023

Here are the Raleigh run numbers for 2023. Historical numbers in this PDF document.


54,746 – Total Incidents
73,166 – Total Per Unit Runs

Unit Runs

Engine 01 – 2,219
Engine 02 – 2,709
Engine 03 – 3,069
Engine 04 – 1,577
Engine 05 – 1,514
Engine 06 – 1,421
Squad 07 – 3,159
Engine 08 – 2,282
Engine 09 – 2,104
Engine 10 – 2,023
Engine 11 – 3,062
Engine 12 – 3,046
Engine 13 – 2,232
Squad 14 – 2,172
Engine 15 – 3,005
Engine 16 – 2,378
Engine 17 – 1,562
Engine 18 – 1,455
Engine 19 – 3,155
Engine 20 – 2,168
Engine 21 – 2,382
Engine 22 – 1,802
Engine 23 – 1,268
Engine 24 – 1,459
Engine 25 – 1,011
Engine 26 – 1,623
Engine 27 – 1,013
Engine 28 – 1,106
Engine 29 – 501
Ladder 01 – 2,170
Ladder 04 – 1,138
Ladder 06 – 1,517
Ladder 12 – 2,199
Ladder 14 – 1,440
Ladder 15 – 2,040
Ladder 20 – 1,032
Ladder 22 – 1,106
Ladder 23 – 1,077

Rescue 16 – 1,387

Battalion 1 – 456
Battalion 2 – 657
Battalion 3 – 677
Battalion 4 – 438
Battalion 5 – 1,012

Division Chief 1 – 142

Safety Officer 14 – 965

Investigator 1 – 195
Chief Investigator – 44

Air 10 – 88
Air 28 – 69

Haz-Mat 02 – 61
Haz-Mat 08 – 56
Haz-Mat 22 – 19
Haz-Mat 27 – 64
Haz-Mat 29 – 61

Mini 07 – 18
Mini 14 – 24
Mini 28 – 4

ATV 14 – 20
ATV 22 – 9

High Water 17 – 3

USAR 801 – 15

Chaplain – 44

Top Engines

Squad 07 – 3,159
Engine 19 – 3,155
Engine 03 – 3,069
Engine 11 – 3,062
Engine 12 – 3,046
Engine 15 – 3,005
Engine 02 – 2,709
Engine 21 – 2,382

Top Ladders

Ladder 12 – 2,199
Ladder 01 – 2,170
Ladder 15 – 2,040

Top Battalion Chief

Battalion 5, as usual – 1,012

Top Rescue

You get one guess. 


  • Air – Mobile air unit, that can replace and refill breathing air bottles.
  • ATV – All-terrain vehicle, used for responses to greenways and trails.
  • High Water – High-water rescue unit.
  • Mini – Mini pumper, used for brush fires, parking deck fires, and other special calls.
  • Squad – Rescue pumper that can operate as both an engine company and a rescue unit.
  • USAR 801 – Swift-water rescue unit.

And that’s a wrap. See you in January 2025.

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Two Alarms on Hourglass Court

See Legeros photos | Listen to radio traffic

Two alarms were struck on Saturday, December 30, 2023, at 5919 Hourglass Court. Dispatched 3:21 a.m. as a multi-residential structure fire. While units were en route, dispatch reported receiving multiple calls. Upgraded to working fire. 

Engine 17 first-arriving at a two-story row of townhomes, with heavy fire in the front and rear of a second-from-end unit. Behind the fire unit, a gas meter was burning along with a number of vehicles. Two lines were taken inside for fire attack.

Arriving fire units also found three injured occupants: adult woman with serious burns, adult woman who jumped from a second-story window, and adult male with smoke inhalation. Firefighters began patient care and assisted arriving Wake County EMS units, who transported all three WakeMed hospital. One firefighter also received minor injuries and was treated on scene. 

Crews were subsequently withdrawn from the fire unit, and aerial operations were started with Ladder 14 and Ladder 4. By this time, fire was showing through the roof of the fire unit. Heavy fire had also spread to the adjoining end unit and was also showing through the roof. 

Exterior lines were also used, during defensive operations. After the fire had been knocked down, interior operations resumed in the fire unit, where crews could access. Ladder 15 was also used for access, having replaced Ladder 4, after Ladder 4 experienced mechanical issues with their manually operated nozzle. 

Second alarm was requested at 3:32 a.m. Staging area was set at nearby Fire Station 17. Fire was marked under control at 4:49 a.m. Units remained on scene for a number of hours. 

The fire unit had 1,978 square-feet, including a full basement. Built 2006, from tax records. With six units in the entire structure. At least five parked cars were also damaged, parked outside and inside the units. 

Run card included:

First alarm: E16, E17, E18, E23, L23, L4, R16, B3, B4, ISO14, Durham Highway E4 [replaced with E1?]
Added: Durham Highway E1, 200
Added: L14
Working fire: A10 B5 INV1 DC1
Second alarm: E29, E9, E4, E8, L15, L20 
Added: Logistics Chief

EMS 12, 14, 40, T1 [did it respond?], D5
Second alarm: EMS 42, 73, M93, D1
Chief 200

Mike Legeros photo

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From August 2011 – Wake County Fire Service Leadership Overview / FAQ

This was originally posted to the old blog in August 2011 and is being reprinted here, for easier of newer readers to find. 

As a public service to our readers, Mike Legeros, A. C. Rich, and Lee Price present an overview of fire service leadership in Wake County. The information is delivered in the format of an FAQ. First, though, let’s identify the speakers. Mike Legeros is the historian, author, and photographer who runs this blog. A. C. Rich is Fire Chief of the Stony Hill Fire Department, in addition to a career firefighter in Raleigh. Lee Price is Asst. Chief of the Wake-New Hope Fire Department, in addition to a career firefighter in Rolesville. Below is their best attempt to explain the many heads of the hydra that we call “local fire service leadership.” We’ll start with the fire commission, and work our way outward.

Q: What is the Wake County Fire Commission?

A: It is a group of people appointed by the Wake County Board of Commissioners, and empowered as a group to make recommendations to the County Commissioners, about aspects of the fire service within the control of the county. This web site lists the expected duties of the Fire Commission:

Q: Who are the members of the Fire Commission?

A: Conceptually, they consist of: One County Commissioner. Four primary regional representatives of the county-funded fire departments: one for north region, one for south region, etc. Four alternate regional representatives, for above. The president of the Wake County Firefighter’s Association. One representative from the town of Wendell. Five citizens, also called “consumers.” The specific members are listed on a web site ( However, that page is out of date at this time.

Q: How can you get appointed to the Fire Commission? Continue reading ‘From August 2011 – Wake County Fire Service Leadership Overview / FAQ’ »

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Visual History of Raleigh Aerial Apparatus

Updated November 24, 2023 – Added picture of new Ladder 22 plus all service ladder trucks of yore.

Presenting a new infographic, this time with a visual history of Raleigh Fire Department aerial apparatus, sorted by manufacturer. And, in the case of Pierce, further sorted by apparatus type. 

View JPG version.

Very PDF version.

See more charts and infographics


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History Mystery – North Carolina State Fire Marshal

This is a blog version of a Facebook posting originally posted November 4, 2023.

Time for a history mystery. When did the role of the state fire marshal merge into the position of the commissioner of insurance? Have seen some conflicting references. Let’s dig a bit.

The position of state fire marshal was created in 1914[1], with the hiring of Raleigh Fire Chief Sherwood Brockwell as Deputy Insurance Commissioner and Fire Marshal. He the held the role for 39 years, until his death at age 67 in 1953.[2]

Reported the News & Observer a month after his passing, Insurance Commissioner Waldo Cheek planned to take his time naming a new state fire marshal. In the meantime, three deputy fire marshals–Everett B. Jones, Kenneth Dixon, and Kern E. Church –would split the duties. Then what happened?

No new state fire marshal was ever appointed, it appears. And somewhere between the mid-1950s and mid-1980s, the role of state fire marshal was folded into the position of the commissioner of insurance.

When know what happened in 1953, after Brockwell’s death. And we haven’t yet found a citation prior to 1985.

That’s when Section 66 of Chapter 666 [!] of SB 738, An Act to Improve the Regulation of Insurance by Making Technical Improvements and Other Needed Changes, included this language: “As used in this Article and elsewhere in the General Statutes, ‘State Fire Marshal’ means the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Carolina.”

Thus, we know the state fire marshal position was merged into the commissioner’s position by 1985. But how much earlier? Good question.

Still searching for citations, in legislation or other historical records. Maybe it was indeed codified in law. Maybe it was an unofficial evolution.

Meanwhile, will keep looking.

History Chart

(new learning aid, work in progress)


Research Notes

Read Mike’s research notes on the history of OSFM at


[1] Was the position of state fire marshal created by legislative act? Doesn’t appear so. Searching the session laws from 1913 forward, via the interface at, the first appearance of the phrase “state fire marshal” doesn’t appear until decades later.

[2] Read his obituary at

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Remembering the Radio Patrols of Western North Carolina

This is a blog version of a Facebook posting originally posted November 1, 2023.

In the early 1970s, “radio patrol” units were operating in such western North Carolina counties as McDowell, Mitchell, and Yancey. These were volunteer organizations whose members were each equipped with two-way citizen band (CB) radios, and one or more people monitoring those radios 24/7. These units were part of a larger group organization named the North Carolina Radio Patrol and Emergency Service.

The mission of these units was described in the Yancey Record on August 19, 1971, as “sworn to observe and report crimes, fires, vandalism, accidents, robberies, burglaries, and anything suspicious or unusual; to report all deliberate traffic violators, to assist deserving motorists who are broken down, out of gas or in need of assistance.” And to also “help the police, highway patrol and all law enforcement agencies; the fire department; local county, state civil defense, and federal agencies whenever their services are needed.”

Old issues of the Yancey Record via DigitalNC recount such unit activities as:

  • assisting CAP members searching for a downed plane in Buncombe County in May 1972
  • sponsoring a blood drive in Burnsville for the American Red Cross in October 1975
  • helping to evacuate stranded residents in Mitchell County after the great flood of November 1977, which resulted in washed out bridges and roadways, left hundreds of people homeless, killed eleven people, and caused property damage in the millions of dollars.

Readers, take over with memories or histories in comments. 

Specific Agencies

Among the specific radio patrol organizations were:

Mitchell County Radio Patrol

  • Incorporated with the state in April 1974 as Mitchell Rescue Squad Inc.
  • Later renamed Mitchell Radio Patrol and Rescue Squad, Inc.
  • Later renamed Mitchell Radio Patrol and Emergency Services, Inc.
  • Later renamed Mitchell Radio Patrol, Emergency Services & First Responders, Inc.
  • Based in Spruce Pine, at least in later decades.

Radio Patrol Emergency Service and Community Watch

  • Incorporated with the state in December 1967
  • Renamed Radio Patrol Emergency Search and Rescue Service
  • Corporate office in Burnsville.

North Carolina Radio Patrol

What’s the origin of NCRP? From the Asheville Times on March 7, 1973, the non-profit organization was founded in 1967 and was composed of over 200 members in six counties, that assisted “in such emergencies as fires, wrecks, searches, drownings, and plane crashes.”

There was apparently also an earlier iteration of the NCRP, as the group was mentioned on page 41 of the March 1939 issue of QST magazine, for amateur radio operators. See the archived issue.

What became of the NCRP? It apparently evolved into a regional participant of REACT, a national group with a similar mission.


Selected sources include:

Yancey Journal, November 1977, issues about the great flood: November 10, November 17.

November Rain: Remembering the Flood of 1977, Mitchell County Historical Society, web page.

Photo Information

Vintage license plate – Photo from eBay, from a closed listing.

Mitchell County Radio Patrol – Building and converted ambulance in Spruce Pine, photographed by Mike Legeros in October 2010.

Marion Radio Patrol, circa 1960 – Courtesy McDowell County Public Libraries. Shown left to right are Dollie Collins, Hollie Hollifield, Odell Hyatt, Nolan Lawing, L.G. Collins, and Clifford Epley. Names from the 2013 book Marion by Kim Clark, The McDowell House Project Advisory Committee, published 2013 by Arcadia Publishing.

More Photos

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Wake County Fire Commission Meeting – October 12, 2023

The Wake County Fire Commission will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, October 12, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., at the Wake County Emergency Services Education Center, 221 S. Rogers Lane, Raleigh, NC 27610.

View agenda and meeting documents.

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Mutual Aid to Greensboro, 1936

This is a blog version of an earlier Facebook posting.

Mutual aid to Greensboro, April 1936. From a reader, after a tornado struck the Gate City on April 2, 1936, neighboring fire departments responding to render aid, including Asheboro, Burlington, Graham, High Point, Reidsville, and Winston-Salem. State Fire Marshal Sherwood Brockwell also responded, to help the Greensboro Fire Chief and other officials.

The F4 tornado was part of an outbreak that struck the southeastern US. The twister struck Greensboro in the evening, leaving a long path of damage across the south side of the city. It killed 14 deaths and 144 injuries and left $2M in damage. It was the second-deadliest tornado in the state’s history.

Shown is the April 3, 1936, edition of the Greensboro Record.

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