Vintage Footage of Shaw University Fire, 1991

Found footage alert. Here’s 39 minutes of raw video from Meserve Hall at Shaw University, which went to four alarms in January 1991. Converted from VHS and posted to the Raleigh Fire Museum YouTube channel. Original videographer(s) TBD. Might’ve been two cameras operating, as the footage isn’t strictly sequential.  Incident description below, from my Raleigh fire history …

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RECAP – Wake County Fire Commission – Long-Range Planning Workshop, January 3, 2019

January 6, 2019Blogger David Handy has posted an excellent recap of this meeting, in this posting. He also adds a number of personal perspectives.  His blog is titled Friends of Fairview, and is a newer site, created as a forum for raising citizen concerns about the Fairview Station 2 closure concept, proposed last summer to …

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Wake County Fire Tax District Long-Range Business Plan, January 2005

Here’s another planned posting, first drafted in August 2018, when the Fairview Station 2 closure concept was being discussed. At the time, was updating my Wake County Fire Commission posted docs. They live here: Found in Mike’s archive, scanned copy of the Wake County Fire Tax District Long-Range Business Plan, as recommended by the Wake …

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Raleigh Fire Department – Digitized Yearbooks from 1984 and 2002

Whoops, this posting was originally planned in November. Let’s catch up… The Raleigh Fire Museum in partnership with the North Carolina Digital Heritage Center in November 2018 announced the digitization of two fire department “yearbooks” from 1984 and 2002. These commemorative volumes are no longer in print, and document the personnel, facilities, equipment, and history of …

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North Carolina Fire Departments in 1896

Here’s a list of North Carolina fire departments in 1896, as reported by the Statistician of the North Carolina State Firemen’s Association, for the year ending April 1, 1896. This reported was printed in the proceedings for the Eighth Annual Convention Tournament, held in Salisbury, NC, on August 19, 20, 21.  The printed document–61 pages, …

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Warsaw Fire Chief Killed on Duty – December 31, 1949

Here’s the front page of the Duplin Times from January 5, 1950, which includes a story on the death of Warsaw Fire Dept Fire Chief Stacy H. Britt, 38, who died in the line of duty in an apparatus collision on December 31, 1949. You can read the entire issue at this digital North Carolina …

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Emergency Landing at Winston-Salem Airport, 1971

From the May-June 1971 issue of Hose & Nozzle magazine. Piedmont Airlines prop plane made an emergency landing at Smith Reynolds Airport in Winston-Salem. Jammed landing gear forced a belly landing. Runway foaming was started, but stopped when the pilot reported that the plane had only a few more minutes of fuel. It had circled …

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Pullen Road Extension – Historical Perspective

The long-awaited Pullen Road extension opened yesterday. Here’s a city news release about the $3.8M project that extends Pullen Road to Centennial Campus Parkway, by way of a new roundabout at Bilyeu Street.   But did you know that Avent Ferry Road originally ran through there, and connected with Western Boulevard just east of Pullen Road? Below …

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